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Views regarding astrology
A birth has been grounded on earth means it has been surrounded or entered into the field of cosmic rays with humours /elements of the earth. The unique truth lies in the fact that when it is separated from its mother from womb by permanently cutting the umbilical chord, it becomes as good as dead, only the doctor makes him sudden cry which indicates a life. In other words, a soul with matter and energy within itself has emerged out from womb will be able to think will be able to express its feeling, to see,to hear, cognize and re cognize. Transformation of energies takes places in form of matter as entire universe is full of energy it also produces different matter with energy within. The fact is Sun is the source of all primordial energy. Each and every matter in this materialistic world where we stay in harmony/ disharmony is full of energy within which can’t be seen. Man with the help of science and technology has been successful in discovering different types of matter which in fact is the materialistic formation full of energy sourced from Sun. As we know whenever a soul has taken birth with a body in this world it has been receiving energies from surroundings in 360 degrees. Let me explain, as EARTH along with other heavenly bodies like STARS, PLANETS, SATELLITES, METEORITES, COMETS AND many more are floating in the universe and as we know that a mass has own magnetic energy field so each matter in this universe is pulling towards itself energy from each direction. This explains well the fact that the soul which has taken birth is also receiving the energies, from entire 360 degrees. In the universe YOGIS OR SAINTS and are capable of feeling the energies in different form and are capable to use it in various ways which we feel or felt in past happenings. Here comes the main point to think whenever a soul takes birth it immediately receives the energies from 360 degrees and just within a gap of 60 seconds another soul takes birth from the same womb but ultimately we see the two persons are different by nature/ structurally and in future they becomes different people. Now if we can distinguish separately each person by means of ASTROLOGY and thereby can predict the future condition of the two soul differently, it would be one of the most amazing discoveries of this subject. Yes, it can be done by higher mathematical calculation very meticulously that i am thrilled by seeing the mysteries behind this subject. My article is to just a glimpse of possibilities of true astrology, which I HAVE SEEN AT LEAST IN FOUR TO FIVE CONDITIONS in TWINS which ultimately differentiate in their respective fields and turns into two different people. THIS SITE IS ONLY FOR TWINS, INTERESTED PARENTS MAY GUIDE THEIR OWN CHILDREN IF PROPER TIME OF BIRTH/PLACE OF BIRTH (PREFERABLY LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE BE GIVEN IN CASE OF REMOTE PLACES) AND TIME OF BIRTH. Actually it is possible due to rotation of earth and its speed while revolving around the SUN. We know that the speed of earth is 66.600 miles/hour roughly 18.51 miles/second and in between the time gap of 60seconds it is enough to change the longitudes of planets and degrees of Ascendant and thus the differences arises in particular some of the Bhavas in the respective natal chart.